If you recently bought an Air Fryer, you should know how to maximise the usage of this very helpful device. Here are a few easy suggestions and techniques to make cooking a lot easier. Discover it by reading on!

Warm up the air fryer

The finest results can be obtained by preheating the Air Fryer for a few minutes prior to cooking or frying, much like your ovens. The use of preheating aids in cooking the meal from the inside out.

Proper quantity of oil

Compared to conventional frying methods, air fryers require less or no oil to cook. But this can also dehydrate and dry out some foods. In these situations, frying the dish in a small amount of oil is recommended to give it the appropriate crispy and crunchy quality. Using too much oil is not advised.

Avoid crowding

Adding too many things to the basket at once can overcrowd the basket and result in uneven cooking because air fryers have a limited holding capacity. As the air circulation is hampered, cooking or frying the meal may take a long period.

Stir the food

Even though the majority of air fryers assert that they can cook food from the inside out and give it the ideal crispy texture. It is recommended to cook the meal for half the time, switch the appliance off, flip the side, and then switch it back on. This guarantees the food will have the ideal amount of crunch.

Exclude foods that are watery

Avoid placing wet foods in the basket; instead, cover them with parchment paper first so that the extra liquid may be absorbed and the food can cook more effectively. You can also utilise dishes or utensils made for air fryers to accomplish this, which protects the device from electrical risks.